上次写了德国 .de 域名对外国人的限制,这次不妨聊一下我注册 .ch 域名然后惨遭撤销的过程。
我一度热衷于注册个性域名,.ch 又可以看作是 tech 的结尾,所以也想注册一个。在看过 Gandi、Netim 的域名详情页后,我确认自己身为外国人也可以注册,没有什么限制。但是这些在域名商注册有点贵,于是我选择 internet.bs。
internet.bs 相当厚道。我在注册的时候,它就在显著位置提示我注册局可能会要求瑞士地址:
Each customer who registers a domain name beneath .CH has to accept the following terms and conditions:
.CH - https://www.nic.ch/reg/cm/wcm-page/terms/agb.jsp?lid=en.CH/.LI 域名
While the .CH/.LI has no local presence requirement as such, the registry may in certain cases require the registrant provide a Swiss correspondence address within 30 days. If you are not able to provide a Swiss correspondence address within this time the registration may be canceled with no reimbursement for costs or damages incurred.
我勾选条款,一路走下去。我知道 .ch 注册局可能会要求我提供在瑞士的地址,如果不提供则域名会被取消。但我想,它只是说在特定情况下(in certain cases)可能会要求提供地址,我安分守己不惹事,应该也不会要我提供地址吧;最多抽查,我应该不会那么倒霉。
Dear Sir or Madam,
SWITCH is the registry for .ch and .li domain names and you receive this message on behalf of a Swiss authority.
Under the terms of Art. 16, Para. 3 of the Decree on Internet Domains VID, the Swiss authorities require the disclosure of a valid correspondence address in Switzerland for purposes of the direct delivery of correspondence.
We would ask you to send us a valid correspondence address in Switzerland within 30 days (date of receipt by SWITCH).
If we do not receive details of a genuine and accurate contact address in Switzerland within the specified deadline, we will delete the domain name ***.ch (GTC 2.6).
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
2.6 Holder's correspondence address and identity
Upon request by a Swiss authority acting within the ambit of its competence, the registry will ask any holder of a ".ch" domain name who does not have a valid Swiss correspondence address to designate such an address within 30 days and provide details of this identity. The registry will revoke the domain name if the holder does not comply with the request in a timely manner and give notice of the revocation to the requesting Swiss authority.
我还是不确定这个是不是必然情况。查阅邮件中提到的 Art. 16, Para. 3 of the Decree on Internet Domains VID,也只是说:
Auf Verlangen einer im Rahmen ihrer Zuständigkeit intervenierenden Schweizer Behörde fordert die Registerbetreiberin die Halterin oder den Halter eines Domain-Namens ohne gültige Schweizer Korrespondenzadresse auf, innerhalb von 30 Tagen eine solche zu bezeichnen und die Identität bekannt zu geben. Die Registerbetreiberin widerruft den Domain-Namen, wenn die Halterin oder der Halter der Aufforderung nicht fristgerecht nachkommt; sie teilt den Widerruf der ersuchenden Schweizer Behörde mit.
好吧,我承认我没看懂,DeepL 机器翻译如下:
在瑞士当局在其职权范围内进行干预的要求下,注册局应要求没有有效的瑞士通信地址的域名持有人在 30 天内指定一个地址并披露其身份。如果持有人在期限内不遵守要求,注册管理机构应撤销域名;它应将撤销一事通知提出要求的瑞士当局。
仍然不明白什么时候会进行“干预”。以我的亲身经历,只能提醒大家谨慎注册 .ch 域名了。真是赔了夫人(域名)又折兵(钱)。